2021. Šef Katedre za hirurgiju i anesteziologiju Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu.
2020. Redovni profesor na Katedri za hirurgiju i anesteziologiju, Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu.
2018 – 2021. Zamenik šefa Katedre za hirurgiju i anesteziologiju, Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu
2015. Zamenik direktora Klinike za digestivnu hirurgiju – Prva hirurška, Kliničkog centra Srbije
2015. Rukovodilac Programa minimalno invazivne hirurgije Klinike za digestivnu hirurgiju – Prva hirurška, KCS
2014 – 2020. Vanredni profesor na Katedri hirurgije i anesteziologije na Medicinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu.
2010. Načelnik Odeljenja za endoskopiju i funkcionalnu dijagnostiku, Klinika za digestivnu hirurgiju – Prva hirurška, Klinički centar Srbije.
2007. Doktor medicinskih nauka.
Doktorska disertacija: „Procena efikasnosti antirefluksnih hirurških procedura kod bolesnika sa poremećajem donjeg ezofagealnog sfinktera” Medicinski fakultet Univeziteta u Beogradu.
1998. Magistar medicinskih nauka.
Magistarski rad: “Značaj duodenogastričnog refluksa kod bolesnika sa erozivnim ezofagitisom” Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu.
1996. Specijalista hirurg. Prva hirurška klinika, Institut za bolesti digestivnog sistema, Klinički centar Srbije. Odlična ocena.
1992 – 1996. Specijalizacija iz opšte hirurgije. Prva hirurška klinika, Institut za bolesti digestivnog sistema, Klinički centar Srbije.
1984 – 1990. Doktor medicine. Medicinski fakultet, Univerziteta u Beogradu. Prosečna ocena 9.36.
Osnovno i srednje obrazovanje u Beogradu, OŠ “Radoje Domanović” i X Beogradska gimnazija.
Tečno govori, čita i piše engleski i francuski jezik.
Služi se španskim i mađarskim jezikom.
2011. Postdiplomski kurs „The Surgeon in the Management of Gastric and Esophageal Diseases“. The Society for Surgery of the Alimentary tract Maintenance of Certification Course. Chicago, Illionois, SAD.
2005. Kurs “Minimally invasive operating techniques in visceral surgery”, European Surgical Institute. Hamburg, Nemačka.
2001. Postdiplomski kurs “Esophageal function testing – what the GI surgeon needs to know”, American College of Surgeons. 87th Annual Clinical Congress. New Orleans, Louisiana, SAD.
2001. Studijski boravak. Odeljenje za hirurgiju gornjeg digestivnog trakta, Univerzitet Južna Kalifornija, Los Anđeles, SAD. Prof. dr Tom DeMeester.
Svetska nagradna stipendija Međunarodnog udruženja za bolesti jednjaka – ISDE.
2000. Studijski boravak. Odeljenje abdominalne, vaskularne i torakalne hirurgije, Vinzenz Pallotti bolnica, Keln, Nemačka.
1988. Studentski studijski boravak. Odeljenje abdominalne i opšte hirurgije, Univerzitet Ilinois u Čikagu, SAD. Prof. dr Loyd M. Nyhus.
2021. Počasni član Mađarskog udruženja hirurga (Magyar Sebész Társaság MST), Pecs, Hunagry.
2016. Počasni član Brazilskog udruženja digestivnih hirurga (Colegio Brasileiro de Cirurgia Digestiva, CBCD), Sao Paolo, Brasil.
2013. Nagrada grada Beograda za medicinu za 2012. godinu.
Grupa autora: 152 člana Katedre za hirurgiju sa anesteziologijom Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, za delo „HIRURGIJA ZA STUDENTE MEDICINE”, treće izmenjeno i dopunjeno izdanje.
2011. Nagrada Časopisa za gastrointestinalnu hirurgiju (Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery) za najbolji rad u 2010. godini. Recipient of the 2010 Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery (JOGS) Best Article Award.
Simić AP, Radovanović NS, Skrobić OM, et al. Significance of limited hiatal dissection in surgery for achalasia. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 2010; 14 (4): 587-593. M 21
2009. Nagrada grada Beograda za medicinu za 2008. godinu.
Prof. dr Petar V. Simić i doc. dr Aleksandar P. Simić. „ISTORIJA HIRURGIJE“
2005. Počasni inostrani član Brazilskog udruženja hirurga (Honorario Estranero de Colegio Brasileiro de Cirurgioes, FCBC), Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
2000. Svetska nagradna stipendija Medjunarodnog udruženja za bolesti jednjaka (International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus – ISDE), Tokio, Japan.
University of Southern California, Derpartment of Foregut Surgery. Head prof. dr Tom R. DeMeester.
1999. Pobednik Konkursa Zadužbine Andrejević, sa sedištem u Beogradu, za najbolje magistarske radove.
„Erozivni ezofagitis i duodenogastrični refluks“
1988. Univerzitetska nagrada grada Beograda iz oblasti medicine.
2021. Mađarsko udruženje hirurga (Magyar Sebész Társaság – MST) – počasni član
2020. Osnivač i član Glavnog odbora Evropskog udruženja za gornji digestivni sistem (European Foregut Society – EFS)
2018. Evropsko udruženje za endoskopsku hirurgiju. (The European Association of Endoscopic Surgery – EAES)
2017. Centralna i istočnoevropska asocijacija za studije Barrett-ovog jednjaka (Central and Eastern European Association for Studies of Barrett’s Esophagus – CEABE) – predsednik
2016. Brazilsko udruženje digestivnih hirurga (Colégio Barsileiro de Cirurgia Digestiva – CBCD) – počasni član
2010. Američko udruženje za hirurgiju alimentarnog trakta (Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract – SSAT)
2005. Brazilsko udruženje hirurga (Colégio Barsileiro de Cirurgiões – FCBC) – počasni član
2000. Evropsko udruženje ezofagologa (European Society of Esophagology – ESE)
2000. Svetska organizacija za specijalizovane studije za bolesti jednjaka (World Organization for Specialized Studies on Diseases of the Esophagus – OESO)
1995. Internacionalno udruženje za bolesti jednjaka (International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus – ISDE)
2017. Udruženje endoskopskih hirurga Srbije – podpredsenik
2006. Hirurška sekcija – Srpsko lekarsko društvo (SLD)
Predavanja na medjunarodnim stručnim sastancima
Simić AP. What Modification of Fundoplication Influences Surgical Outcome? Tretament of Gstroesophageal Reflux: Surgery. OESO 15th World Conference. Global Perspectives and Novel Technologies in Esophageal Diseases. Beijing, China, November 7th – 9th, 2019.
Simić AP. From Reflux to Esophageal Adenocarcinoma. 1st Congress of the Association of Endoscopic Surgeons of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sepetember 6th-8th, 2019. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Simić AP. Modern Endoscopic-Surgical Treatement of Barrett’s Esophagus. 2nd Kongress of the Oncologic Section of the Hungarian Surgical Society. A Magyar Sebesz Tarsasag Sebeszeti Onkologiai Szekciojanak 2. Kongresszusa. Szeged, Hungary, 24-25th May 2019.
Simić A. Barrett’s and fundoplication: Synchrone treatment. Special session: SS01: Novel Surgical Reflux Therapies. 16th World Congress of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus. September 16-19, 2018. Vienna, Austria
Simić A. The Role of the Surgeon in the Management of Early Neoplastic Lesions of the Upper GI Tract. EAGEN postgraduate course – Montenegro 2018. Menagement of Early Neoplastic Lesions in the GI tract. Course directors: Budnik M, Malfertheiner P, Milosavljević T. Becici, Montenegro, March 23-24, 2018.
Simić A, Skrobić O, Ivanović N, Peško P. Contemporary Surgery of Benig Esophagal Diseases. 4th Congress of Surgeons of Bosnia and Herzegovina with international participation. Surgical Association of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. November 16th-17th, 2018., Zenica, Bosna and Herzegovina.
Simić A. Shall we ablate patients before or after antireflux surgery? Clinical aspects of GERD therapy – alternative therapies for GERD. OESO 14th World Conference. Clinical Session 5. Global perspectives in Esophageal diseases. Geneve, Switzerland, September 2-5 2017.
Simić A. Radiofrequency ablation for Barrett’s oesophagus using the HALO system. A Magyar Sebész Társaság Sebészeti Onkológiai Szekciójának 1. Kongresszusa. March 23-25th 2017. Szeged, Hungary
Simić A. Minimally Invasive Surgery for Giant Hiatal Hernia. Reoperação na DRGE. Batalha de vídeos I. III Campeonato Mundial de Cirurgia Minimamente Invasiva. Gastrao 2016, July 2nd, 2016. Sao Paolo, Brasil
Simić A. Minimally Invasive Suregry for Achalasia.Tratamento cirúrgico da achalasia. Batalha de vídeos I. III Campeonato Mundial de Cirurgia Minimamente Invasiva. Gastrao 2016, July 2nd, 2016. Sao Paolo, Brasil
Simić A. Radiofrequency Ablation for Barrett’s Esophagus: yes or no? Mesa-redonda: Controvérsias no tratamento do refluxo gastroesofágico. 43 Curso de atualisação cirurgia do aparelho digestivo, coloproctologia e transplantantes. Gastrao 2016, June 30th, 2016. Sao Paolo, Brasil.
Simić A. State of the Art Lecture. Current Approach to Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Department of Surgery, Hospital de Clinicas. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brasil. May 24th, 2016.
Simić A. The New Era of Esophageal Motility Disorders. Grand Rounds. Department of Surgery, Hospital de Clinicas. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brasil. May 26th, 2016.
Simić A. Surgery for Esophageal Motility Disorders. 11th Congress of the Croatian Association of Digestive Surgery with International Participation. Opatija, Croatia, May 13-16, 2015.
Simić A. Management of Gastric Outlet Obstruction. Foregut Caustic Injuries. Evidence-Based International Consensus. San Donato Milanese, Milano, Italy, April 18th 2015.
Simić A. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and its Complications – Endoscopc and Surgical Treatment. Visiting Profesor, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Medicine in Tirana. May 29th, 2014. Tirana, Albania.
Simić A. Medical therapy and fundoplication as adjuncts to RFA. Invited speaker abstracts. Pre-congress course No 1. PC 100.04. 13th World Congress of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus, October 15-17 2012, Venice, Italy.
Simić A. Radiofrequency Ablation and Surgical Antireflux Management for Barrett’s Esophagus. Innovations in Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA; HALO®) for Barrett’s Esophagus. Vienna University Hospital (AKH), Vienna, Austria, April 16th, 2012.
Simić A. Transoral esophageal myotomy for achalasia. Speaker: K. Fuchs; Discussants: B. Dallemagne, R. Rosati, A. Simic. Innovation in Esophageal Surgery. Meeting Directors: L. Bonavina (Milano), T. De Meester (Los Angeles), J. van Lanschot (Rotterdam). November 28-29, 2011. Milano, Italy.
Simić A. Ineffective motility and Nissen Fundoplication. Lecture in the Symposium: “Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease”. 81st Argentine Congress of Surgery, November 1st – 4th, 2010. Buenos Aires Sheraton Hotel and Convention Center. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Simić A. Without mesh. Lecture in the Debate: “Treatment of Hiatal Hernia With or Without Mesh”. 81st Argentine Congress of Surgery, November 1st – 4th, 2010. Buenos Aires Sheraton Hotel and Convention Center. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Simić A. Laparoscopic cardiomiotomy. Lecture in the Symposium: “Treatment of Achalasia”. 81st Argentine Congress of Surgery, November 1st – 4th, 2010. Buenos Aires Sheraton Hotel and Convention Center. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Simić A. Colon interposition in the treatment of esophageal caustic stricture. Lecture in the Symposium: “Esophageal Pathology”. 81st Argentine Congress of Surgery, November 1st – 4th, 2010. Buenos Aires Sheraton Hotel and Convention Center. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Simić A, Significance of hiatal dissection in achalasia surgery. Abstract Book. 11th World Congress of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus. Budapest, Hungary, September 10-13, 2008.
Simić A, Impact of hiatal hernia size on the long-term outcome of Nissen fundoplication. Abstract Book. 11th World Congress of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus. Budapest, Hungary, September 10-13, 2008.
Simić A. Significance of limited hiatal dissection for achalasia in prevention of postoperative gastroesophageal reflux. 9th World Congress of OESO, 6th-9th April 2008. Monaco, Monaco.
Simić A. Influence of esophageal motility on the long-term outcome of total fundoplication. 9th World Congress of OESO, 6th-9th April 2008. Monaco, Monaco.
Simić A. Antireflux procedures and patients with ineffective motility – what is the best technical option? SOBRACIL – VIII Congresso Brasileiro de Videocirurgia. Aprill 28th – May 1st 2007, Bento Goslaves, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.
Simić A. Achalasia operation with Minimum Dissection of the Esophageal Hiatus. SOBRACIL – VIII Congresso Brasileiro de Videocirurgia. Aprill 28th – May 1st 2007, Bento Goslaves, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.
Simić A. Laparoscopic exploration as a standard diagnostic procedure in patients with advanced gastric cancer. SOBRACIL – VIII Congresso Brasileiro de Videocirurgia. Aprill 28th – May 1st 2007, Bento Goslaves, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.
Simić A. What is the importance of esophageal motility testings for the surgeon? Qual a Importancia das Provas de Motilidade Esophagica para Cirurgia? Conferencia em Debate. XXVI Congresso Brasileiro de Cirurgia. June 5 – 9, 2005. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Simić A. Laparoscopic surgery. Debate – Non compllicated GERD. Cirurgia Laparoscopica. Debate – DRGE Nao-Complicada. XXVI Congresso Brasileiro de Cirurgia. June 5 – 9, 2005. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Simić A. About the total fundoplication and consensus. What are the expectations? Round table GERD – Surgical teratment. A Fundoplicatura Total e Conseso. Quais as Excecoes? Mesa-redonda. DRGE – Tratamento Cirurgico. XXVI Congresso Brasileiro de Cirurgia. June 5 – 9, 2005. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Simić A. Achalasia – treatment algorithm. International Conference Uniti dal Mare. Meeting between university surgeons from the two sides of the Adriatic and Ionian seas. May 19–21, 2005. Chieti-Pescara, Italy
Simić A. Bioptron light therapy effect on thoraco-phreno-laparotomy wound healing after total gastrectomy due to cardiac carcinoma. O.E.S.O (Organisation interantionale d’Etudes Statistique pour les maladies de l’Oesophage) World 6th Congress, Barrrett 2000; September 1st- 6th, 2000; Paris, France.
Simić A. Significance of duodenogastric reflux in patients with erosive esophagitis. Esophagus ’98, VIIth World Congres of ISDE, Montreal, Canada, September 1st to 4th, 1998.
OESO Beijing 2019
MST Szeged 2019
ISDE Vienna 2018
OESO Geneva 2017
GERD Milano 2017
Rio de Janeiro – Buzios 2017
GASTRAO Sao Paolo 2016
ISDE Venezia 2012
AKH Vienna 2012
Milano 2011
Buenos Aires 2010
ISDE Budapest 2008
Rio De Janeiro 2005
ISDE Montreal 1998
Pet monografija
11 poglavlja u knjigama i udžbenicima
18 radova u časopisu indeksiranom u CC ili SCI
32 rada indeksiranih u Medline-u i 17 radova u celosti u stručnim časopisima i zbornicima kongresa.
108 radova kao izvodi u zbornicima medjunarodnog skupa i 57 u zbornicima nacionalnih skupova.
35 predavanja po pozivu na svetskim medjunarodnim stručnim sastancima
Preko 200 stručnih i naučnih publikacija.
Monografije, knjige
Simić A, Bonavina L, DeMeester S. (eds). Surgery for benign oesophageal disorders. Introductory Series in Medicine: Volume 3. London, UK, World Scientific, 2017. ISBN: 978-1-78634-411-3
Uglješić M, Simić A, Skrobić O. Motilitet digestivnog sistema. Ruma 2015; Ruma : Štampa, 2015. 147 str. : Biblioteka Posebna izdanja / Štampa, Ruma. knj. 14). ISBN 978-86-86031-18-1.
Peško P, Simić A. Barrett-ov jednjak. Šezdeset godina kontroverze. Partenon, Beograd 2010; 204 str.
Simić P, Simić A. Istorija hirurgije. Službeni glasnik, Beograd 2008; 394 str.
Simić A. Erozivni ezofagitis i duodenogastrični refluks. Zadužbina Andrejević, Beograd 2001; 111 str.
Originalni radovi in extenso u časopisima sa JCR liste
Jovanović S, Djurić-Stevanović A, Simić AP, Skrobić O, Peško P. Value of Multidetector Computed Tomography in the Assessment of Achalasia Subtypes and Detection of Pulmonary and Thoracic Complications. Medical Principles and Practice 2019; 28(6):539-546. doi: 10.1159/000501057. Epub 2019 May 22. M22, IF 1.103
Simić AP, Skrobić OM, Peško PM. A surgeon’s role in the management of early esophageal, GEJ and gastric lesions. Digestive Diseases 2019; 37 (5): 355-363. M22, IF 2.908
Rieder E, Riegler M, Simić AP, Skrobić OM, Bonavina L, Gursky R , Pareder M, Castell DO, Schoppmann SF. Alternative Therapies for GERD – a way to personalized anti-reflux surgery. Global Perspectives on Esophageal Diseases. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2018; 1434 (1): 360-369. DOI: 10.1111/nyas.13851. M 21, IF 2017 4.295.
Keramatollah E, Sabljak P, Simić AP, Skrobić O, Veličković D, Šljukić V, Novaković I, Dobričić V, Micev M, Peško P. Significance of KIT and PDGFRA mutations in gastric GIST imatinib – negative surgically treated patients. Vojnosanitetski pregled 2018; OnLine-First Issue 00, Pages: 48-48. DOI: 10.2298 /VSP180205048E. M 23, IF 0.418
Skrobić OM, Simić AP, Radovanović N, Micev M, Ivanović N, Peško P. Significance of Nissen fundoplication after endoscopic radiofrequency ablation of Barrett’s esophagus. Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques 2016; 30: 3802–3807. DOI 10.1007/s00464-015-4677-9. M 21a, IF 3.540.
Bonavina L, Chirica M, Skrobić O, Kluger Y, Andreollo NA, Contini S, Simić A, Ansaloni L, Catena F, Fraga GP, Locatelli C, Chiara O, Kashuk J, Coccolini F, Macchitella Y, Mutignani M, Cutrone C, Dei Poli M, Valetti T, Asti E, Kelly M, Peško P. Foregut caustic injuries: results of the world society of emergency surgery consensus conference. World Journal of Emergency Surgery 2015; 10: 44. DOI 10.1186/s13017-015-0039-0. M 22, IF 1.583
Simić AP, Skrobić OM, Veličković D, Ražnatović Z, Šaranović Dj, Šljukić V, Jovanović S, Ivanović N, Peško PM. Minimally Invasive Surgery for Benign Esophageal Disorders – First 200 cases. European Surgery 2015. 47: 25-34. DOI: 10.1007/s10353-015-0296-x. M 23 IF 0.533
Simić AP, Skrobić OM, Djurić-Stefanović A, Stojakov D, Peško PM. From Ockham’s razor to Hickam’s dictum and back – Saint’s theory and the insights in herniosis. European Surgery 2015; 47: 9-14. M21. IF DOI: 10.1007/s10353-014-0292-6. M 23 IF 0.533
Simić AP, Skrobić OM, Gurski R, Šljukić V, Ivanović N, Peško PM. Can different subsets of ineffective esophageal motility influence the outcome of Nissen fundoplication? Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 2014; 18: 1723–1729. M21. IF DOI: 10.1007/s11605-014-2607-0. M 21 IF 2.798
Radovanović N, Simić A, Skrobić O, Kotarac M, Ivanović N. Highly selective vagotomy and gastrojejunostomy in the treatment of peptic ulcer induced gastric outlet obstruction. Vojnosanitetski pregled 2014; 71 (11): 1013-1017. M 23; IF 0.269. DOI: 10.2298/VSP1411013R
Simić AP, Skrobić OM, Radovanović NS, Veličković D, Ivanović N, Peško PM. Importance of ineffective esophageal motility in patients with erosive reflux disease on the long-term outcome of Nissen fundoplication. European Surgery 2013; 45:15-20; DOI 10.1007/s10353-012-0187-3; M 23, IF 0.259
Conrado LM, Gurski RR, Rosa AR, Simic AP, Callegari-Jacques SM. Is there an association between hiatal hernia and ineffective esophageal motility in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease? Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 2011; 15 (10): 1756–1761. M 21; DOI 10.1007/s11605-011-1619-2; IF 2.826
Simić AP, Radovanović NS, Skrobić OM, Ražnatović ZJ, Peško PM. Significance of limited hiatal dissection in surgery for achalasia. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 2010; 14 (4): 587-593. M 21; DOI: 10.1007/s11605-009-1135-9; IF 2.733
Radovanović N, Simić A, Kotarac M, Stojakov D, Sabljak P, Skrobić O, Peško P. Colon interposition for pharyngoesophageal postcorrosive strictures. Hepato-Gastroenterology 2009. Jan-Feb; 56 (89): 139-143. M 23. IF 0.669.
Knežević JD, Radovanović NS, Simić AP, Kotarac MM, Skrobić OM, Konstantinović VD, Pesko PM. Colon interposition in the treatment of esophageal caustic strictures: 40 years of experience. Diseases of the Esophagus 2007; 20: 530–534. M 23; DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-2050.2007.00694. M 23 IF 1.146
Ranković IV, Maširević VP, Pavlov MJ, Ćeranić MS, Milenković GM, Simić AP, Kecmanović DM. Hemodinamic and vascular problems during modified hyperthermic intraperitoneal perioperative chemotherapy. Hepato-Gastroenterology 2007. Mar; 54 (74): 364-366. M 23 IF 0.904
Peško P, Sabljak P, Bjelović M, Stojakov D, Simić A, Nenadić B, Bumbaširević M, Trajković G, Djukić V. Surgical treatment and clinical course of patients with hypopharyngeal carcinoma. Diseases of the Esophagus 2006; 19: 248-253. M 23; DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-2050.2006.00585. M 23 IF 1.027
Knežević J, Radovanović N, Simić A, Bobić-Radovanović A, Latković Z, Micev M, Peško P. Isolated choroidal metastasis from primary adenocarcinoma of the distal esophagus: a case report. Diseases of the Esophagus 2003; 16: 41-44. M 23; DOI: 10.1046/j.1442-2050.2003.00279. M 23 IF 0.809
Poglavlja u monografijama, knjigama i udžbenicima
Simić A, Skrobić O, Peško P. Surgery for Achalasia. In: Simić A, Bonavina L, DeMeester S. (eds). Surgery for benign oesophageal disorders. Introductory Series in Medicine: Volume 3. London, UK, World Scientific, 2017. ISBN: 978-1-78634-411-3
Skrobić O, Simić A, Peško P. Current Treatment Strategies in Barrett’s Esophagus. In: Simić A, Bonavina L, DeMeester S. (eds). Surgery for benign oesophageal disorders. Introductory Series in Medicine: Volume 3. London, UK, World Scientific, 2017. ISBN: 978-1-78634-411-3
Simić A, Skrobić O. Motilitet jednjaka. Uglješić M, Simić A, Skrobić O (urednici). Motilitet digestivnog sistema. Ruma 2015;
Simić A, Matić S. Prva hirurška klinika. The First Surgical Clinic. Maksimović Ž. (urednik). Nastavne baze Katedre hirurgije sa anesteziologijom 1923 – 2013. Department of Surgery with Anestehesiology. Teaching Hospitals 1923-2013. CIBID Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd 2013: 27-46.
Radovanović N, Simić A. Prva hirurška klinika. Maksimović Ž. (urednik). Nastavne baze Katedre hirurgije sa anesteziologijom 1923 – 2008. CIBID Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd 2008: 14-24.
Peško P, Ranđelović T, Simić A, Bjelović M, Stojakov D, Sabljak P. Hirurgija ezofagogastroduodenuma. Maksimović Ž. (glavni urednik). Hirurgija za studente medicine. CIBID Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd 2014
Peško P, Ranđelović T, Simić A, Bjelović M, Stojakov D, Sabljak P. Hirurgija ezofagogastroduodenuma. Maksimović Ž. (glavni urednik). Hirurgija za studente medicine. CIBID Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd 2008: 167-207.
Peško P, Simić A. Direktna i nešant hirurgija variksa jednjaka. Maksimović Ž. (urednik). Osnove vaskularne hirurgije i angiologije. CIBID Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd 2004: 453-457.
Peško P, Simić A. Hernije hijatusa jednjaka i gastroezofagealna refluksna bolest. Jaković R. (urednik). Grudna hirurgija. Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd 2004: 250-258.
Peško P, Simić A. Komplikacije u hirurgiji želuca i duodenuma. Gerzić Z. (urednik). Komplikacije u abdominalnoj hirurgiji. Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd 2000: 284-345.
Gerzić Z, Knežević J, Simić A. Komplikacije u hirurgiji jednjaka i dijafragme. Gerzić Z. (urednik). Komplikacije u abdominalnoj hirurgiji. Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd 2000: 239-283
Radovi u časopisima indeksiranim u MEDLINE-u
Simić A, Skorobić O, Micev M, Gligorijević M, Veličković D, Ivanović N, Peško P. Radiofrequency Ablation for Barrett’s Esophagus: High-Volume Center Initial Results. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 2012; 1: 19-24.
Mioljević V, Simić AP, Radenković D, Galun D, Palibrk I, Ostojić S, Stojakov D, Varagić Z, Pavlović M, Milićević M. Acinetobacter spp. Colonization and infection risk factors in surgical patients. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 2011; 4: 81-87.
de Miranda Gomes PR, Pereira da Rosa AR, Sakae T, Simić AP, Gurski RR. Correlation between pathological distal esophageal acid exposure and ineffective esophageal motility. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 2010; 2: 37-43.
Simić A, Gurski R, Peško P. The story beyond the Zenkers pouch. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 2009; 56: 9-16.
Skrobić O, Simić A, Radovanović N, Špica B, Peško P. Current concepts in the anatomy and origins of pharyngeal diverticula. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 2009; 56: 17-24.
Simić A, Radovanović N, Stojakov D, Bjelović M, Kotarac M, Sabljak P, Skrobić O, Peško P. Surgical experience of the national institution in the treatment of Zenkers diverticula. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 2009; 56: 25-33.; Cited by 1.
Sretenović A, Perišić V, Simić A, Živanović D, Vujović D, Kostić M, Peško P, Krstić Z. Gastroesophageal reflux in infants and children. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 2008; 55: 47-54.; Cited by 2.
Simić A, Radovanović N, Kotarac M, Gligorijević M, Skrobić O, Konstantinović V, Peško P. Hernije hijatusa jednjaka i GERB kao uzrok krvarenja. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 2007; 54: 135-138.
Simić A, Ražnatović Z, Skrobić O. Peško P. Primary esophageal motility disorders (Concise review for clinicians). Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 2006; 53: 9-17. Cited by 2.
Popović D, Stanković-Popović V, Milosavljević T, Jovanović I, Peško P, Simić A, Micev M, Miličić B, Krstić M. Uticaj Helicobacter pylori eradikacije na pojavu gastro-ezofagealne refluksne bolesti. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 2006; 53: 41- 48. Cited by 3.
Bjelović M, Peško P, Micev M, Todorović V, Stojakov D, Sabljak P, Simić A, Ebrahimi K, Veličković D, Špica B. The significance of lymphonodal micrometastasis in patients with gastric adenocarcinoma. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 2005; 3: 21-24. Cited by 4.
Peško P, Djukić V, Simić A, Sabljak P, Stojakov D, Bjelović M. Strategija u lečenju karcinoma hipofarinksa i cervikalnog jednjaka. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 2004; 1: 49-54. Cited by 1.
Simić A, Knežević J, Bjelović M, Radovanović N, Kotarac M, Peško P. Istorijska evolucija hirurškog lečenja gastroezofagealne refluksne bolesti. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 2003; 4: 9-19.
Knežević J, Radovanović N, Simić A, Kotarac M, Peško P. Hirurško lečenje kasnih komplikacija dermato-jejuno plastika kod korozivnih stenoza jednjaka. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 2003; 4: 79-83.
Bjelović M, Peško P, Stojakov D, Sabljak P, Simić A. Istorija hirurgije karcinoma želuca i kardije. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 2003; 2: 11-17.
Gerzić Z, Peško P, Knežević J, Simić A, Stojakov D, Sabljak P, Radovanović N. Korekcija neuspelih primarnih hirurških intervencija kod benignih lezija jednjaka. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 2001; 48: 13-25.
Peško P, Ranđelović T, Knežević J, Dunjić M, Radovanović N, Bjelović M, Stojakov D, Sabljak P, Kotarac M, Simić A, Kostić D., Micev M. Hirurška strategija u lečenju primarnpog limfoma želuca. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 2000; 47: 31 – 35.
Peško P, Bumbaširević M, Knežević J, Dunjić M, Djukić V, Simić A, Stojakov D, Sabljak P, Bjelović M, Janković Z, Micev M, Šaranović Dj. Rekonstrukcija hipofarinksa i cervikalnog jednjaka slobodnim jejunalnim transplantatom. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 2000; 47: 17 – 24.
Peško P, Ranđelović T, Knežević J, Dunjić M, Radovanović N, Bjelović M, Stojakov D, Sabljak P, Kotarac M, Simić A, Gerzić Z, Micev M. Hirurško lečenje karcinoma kardije. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 2000; 47: 25 – 30.
Knežević J, Radovanović N, Simić A, Bjelović M, Peško P. Hernija foramena Morgagni. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 1999; 46: 75 –77.
Peško P, Radovanović N, Knežević J, Ranđelović T, Simić A, Subotić L, Gerzić Z. Paraezofagealne hernije hijatusa dijafragme. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 1995/96; 42/43: 151-153.
Čolović R, Kalezić V, Ateljević M, Simić A, Jagodić M. Isolated hydatide cyst of the adrenal gland. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 1995/96; 42/43: 167-169.
Peško P, Knežević J, Ranđelović T, Kotarac M, Stojakov D, Janković Z, Ilić N, Jekić I, Simić A, Gerzić Z. Prednosti i nedostaci ezofagogastro-plastike u rekonstrukciji malignih i benignih stenoza jednjaka. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 1994; 41: 229-231.
Knežević J, Ranđelović T, Radovanović N, Simić A, Ilić N, Gerzić Z. Tehnika šivenja anastomoza i komplikacije kod ezofagokoloplastika zbog kororzivnih lezija. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 1994; 41: 235-237.
Radovanović N, Knežević J, Ranđelović T, Simić A, Gerzić Z. Primarna sutura jednjaka sa pojačanjem autolognim tkivom u terapiji perforacije torakalnog jednjaka. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 1994; 41: 233-234.
Krivokapić Z, Marković V, Antić S, Popović M, Simić A, Barišić G. Mehanički šav u resekciji rektuma zbog karcinoma. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 1994; 41: 265-267.
Ranđelović T, Knežević J, Peško P, Dunjić M, Simić A, Jekić I, Radovanović N, Janković Z, Gerzić Z. Komplikacije pri izvođenju ezofago-jejuno anastomoza. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 1994; 41 (Suppl 2): 225-228.